Sunday, February 21, 2010

Vacation from the Vacation

The Spring on the Cascades Trail

Last weekend, we vacated the Tahoe area, partly because we didn't have a place to stay, but partly due to the President's Day holiday, which overwhelms the resort mountain with hordes of people. The congestion is a little much. And after three weeks of holiday, we were ready for a break. So passing through Reno for a little fun, we headed to Quincy in the northern Sierra to visit with some dear friends.

Every other time we've visited them, it's either been wet, rainy, snowy and cold, or it's been unbearably hot. This time, daytime was springtime, and we spent our days wandering the hills near their house, in t-shirts, soaking up the sunshine. We hiked along the river, taking in cliffs, springs, bright green turf, rolling waterfalls, and the final day, we foraged as a group for quartz crystals. I've never done such a thing, and never realized you could *find* crystals, right there on the surface of the ground, but we did. It is definitely an addictive practice. We found some beauties. I found a small one that was the whole, faceted, perfect shape, and when I hold it up to the light, there are opalescent rainbows inside of it.

But even more than all the outside time, and the crystals, was the joy of being with our friends, who have created such a peaceful, grounded space. I love sinking into the feeling of timelessness, good food, good company, friends supporting friends all around. It was the perfect replenishing of spirit, needed for one more resort week.

Now we're back in Tahoe, and we were blessed with a powder day, right off the bat. Even better, Karl offered to take Ella for the morning, so Drew and I hit up freshies all over the place. Addictive, too. It's official. I will never be able to go back on this interest in skiing powder.